Driving in Redford

Rapid Progress and Practical Success

Jacob contacted me about learning to drive after his friend Sasha passed her driving test last year. After finishing university this year and returning to Edinburgh for the summer, Jacob aimed to squeeze in a driving test during this time. Already possessing strong driving skills from practising with his dad, Jacob was well-prepared.

Living in Redford, in the heart of Edinburgh’s Currie test routes, gave Jacob a significant advantage. In our first lesson, we devised a plan to move forward. Impressed by his skills, we agreed he should aim for an early June test. Fortunately, Jacob found a test cancellation fitting this timeline perfectly.

We worked diligently, conducting mock driving tests and addressing potential issues. After extensive practice on Edinburgh’s roads, Jacob arrived for his test ready and confident. He impressed the examiner, passing with only one fault. Well done, Jacob!