- April 07, 2016
Rona Sinclair – Bush Midlothian
Rona got in touch about driving lessons at the end of 2015, at the time I was very busy so we agreed we could start at the end of January 2016. Rona had never driven before and after completing university decided that the next thing she would like to achieve would be her driving licence. Rona was also the first one out of her brother and sisters to begin driving so was going to set the driving standard! We started one evening after Rona had finished work, we managed to make the most out of the limited daylight we had left. Rona was really enthusiastic and full of questions which was great, as it meant I knew she was understanding things. At the end of our first driving lesson we arranged to go out again the following week and hopefully get Rona on the road very soon. Rona was finishing her job at the end of April and wasn’t sure what was next so wisely thought that having her driving licence would be a huge bonus. As driving lessons went on Rona told me that she had started watching people driving a lot more, and was speaking to her friends about their driving instructors and how they got on learning. Rona also told me that she had started to watch Police Interceptors as she had a new found interest in driving. What was brilliant about all of this was a lot of things that we discussed on driving lessons in Edinburgh Rona was then telling me she had witnessed whilst being a pedestrian. As the driving test came closer Rona decided to do a couple of driving lessons a week which was great as we really built momentum for the big day! On the day of the driving test which was at 0907 Rona told me that she woke up at 5am and was wide awake. The good thing was that Rona used this time constructively to watch the videos on my website one final time so everything was fresh in her mind for the test. Roan not only passed first time in Edinburgh at the Currie test centre but did so with only one driving fault! I was thrilled for her and what a great end to the week being the third first time pass!
- Test Success