Mike – Penicuik Midlothian
Mike was a little older when he started learning to drive. Having lived in Edinburgh for many years and working a short walk or bus ride away from where he lived decided that learning to drive in Edinburgh wasn’t an essential for him. His partner drove and having two very active daughters spent a lot of her time transporting them to various events. After moving from Edinburgh to Penicuik Mike felt he better learn, so he could share the driving. Also he now had a journey to work which involved two buses rather than one. When we started driving lessons in Penicuik Mike had done a bit with his partner so already had the basics. This was great it meant we could progress onto Edinburgh in no time at all. After a few weeks of going out regularly on a Saturday we managed to cover everything. All we now needed to do was get consistent. Mike was getting to practice out with driving lessons regularly so this helped a lot. We both felt Mike was ready towards the end of January. So Mike managed to book a driving test in Edinburgh for mid February. Having taken a day off work this meant that Mike only needed to focus on the driving test. He did just that passing his driving test in Edinburgh with only one fault. An excellent result and life changing achievement. Well done.