learn to drive in edinburgh

Jamie – Greenbank Edinburgh

I had the pleasure of teaching Jamie’s older sister Libby a few years ago to drive. It was now time for Jamie to learn and hopefully be on the road very soon. Jamie is still at school, so we managed to fit driving lessons in during his free periods at school and sometimes after school. This gave us a huge selection of traffic and daylight during learning which was fantastic as busy situations in the dark became normal. Within ten hours of driving, we had covered everything it was now just a case of perfecting Jamies driving around Edinburgh and building his consistency. This was getting better and better each time we went out though. Jamie managed to sit and successfully pass his theory test early in the year, so this meant as soon as we were ready we could get the test booked and give it our best shot. We did just that after carrying out a mock test and discussing a plan for moving forward, Jamie managed to get a driving test booked for mid-March which would mean he would hopefully have his driving licence before exams started. On the run up to Jamie’s test, we stepped up the accuracy and really focused on making things perfect for the big day. When test day came around, I was extremely confident that Jamie would sail through his driving test and he did just that. Passing with only two driving faults. What a great result.