Edinburgh uni driving instructor

Jamie – Newington Edinburgh

Jamie was up at Edinburgh Uni studying and got in touch about driving lessons. Jamie had already carried out a few driving lessons with a London based driving instructor but never really got far. I had recently over the last few years taught Jamie’s cousins to drive and they had both done really well passing first time without any problems. It was now time for Jamie to see if he could step up and do achieve the same sort of success.  Because Jamie had no knowledge of the Currie area in Edinburgh we tried to do a lot of our practice in and around the test area. This helped him get familiar with the roads and any unique things which were featured. Jamie did really well on driving lessons and I looked forward each week to going out with him. We progressed through things quickly and Jamie was great at asking questions and applying his knowledge to all sorts of situations. Jamie had a driving test booked for early January and returned back home to London for Christmas, upon return we went out the day before his driving test for one final fine-tuning session which Jamie did really well in. The next day I collected Jamie and was delighted to see him pass on his frit attempt like his cousins! Well Done Jamie.