Iona – Morningside Edinburgh
Iona’s mum got in touch with me about driving lessons at the end of last year. I had taught Iona’s big brother Fin to drive a few years earlier so it was now Iona’s turn to step up to the challenge. We started just after New Year and began driving around some of the estates beside Morningside in Edinburgh. This gave Iona a chance to develop basic control of the car. Iona was a very fast learner and after a few times of going out we were really making progress. Once Iona was feeling comfortable with the driving she started practising with her mum and dad and got to drive on journeys all around Edinburgh. This made a noticeable difference to her driving. After covering everything and building consistency we tried a mock driving test, Iona did well under pressure and only had a few things that we decided that we should work on. Iona had her final year of school exams starting in May so wanted to see if she could get her driving test done before exams started. Luckily she managed to get a driving test booked for the first week of exam leave. On the day of the driving test everything looked good weather wise. We did a quick warm up around Edinburgh before parking up at the test centre for the real test. Iona had nothing to be nervous about as she had been really consistent over the last few weeks of going out so there was no reason that she wouldn’t keep it all together for the real event. Iona didn’t disappoint passing her driving test on her first attempt matching her brother Fin’s success with only one driving fault as well. A brilliant way to begin the exam season. Congratulations.