Grange driving instructor

Despite setbacks, Lucy’s hard work and resilience pay off, culminating in a successful driving test in Edinburgh.

Lucy, a resident of the Grange area of Edinburgh, began her driving lessons in her final year of high school. Her early lessons showed great promise, but life had a few unexpected challenges in store. Just as Lucy was gaining momentum, she unfortunately broke her foot during a dance class, forcing her to take a break from driving. With her recovery followed by the pressures of final year exams and the excitement of beginning her studies in medicine at St. Andrews, driving lessons were put on hold.

After completing her first year at university, Lucy returned home determined to finally get her driving license. We resumed our lessons, and despite the long gap, Lucy quickly picked up where she left off. With access to a car for practice between lessons, Lucy’s confidence and skills grew rapidly.

However, the road to success wasn’t entirely smooth. Just as we were preparing for her test, I had a mountain biking accident, and a few weeks later, my car was damaged in a rear-end collision. But with some duct tape, cable ties, and a lot of determination, we pressed on.

On the day of the test, Lucy delivered a stellar performance, passing her driving test on her first attempt at the Edinburgh test centre, with compliments from the examiner. Well done, Lucy! She can now enjoy the freedom of driving in the Grange and beyond.