Juniper Green

Alex – Juniper Green

I’m thrilled to share an achievement – Alex from Juniper Green, Edinburgh, has triumphed in his driving journey, passing his driving test with flying colours. This success marks not only the acquisition of a driver’s license but also a testament to the dedication and enthusiasm that sets Alex apart.

Alex embarked on his driving adventure during a pivotal time – his final year at Heriots School in Edinburgh. Balancing school responsibilities and the exciting prospect of learning to drive, Alex took the challenge head-on. Our driving lessons were strategically planned around his school hours, and whenever he had a free moment during the day, we seized the opportunity to enhance his driving skills.

From the very start, it was evident that Alex’s enthusiasm and curiosity were infectious, and he never hesitated to ask questions to deepen his understanding of the nuances of the road. With every lesson, his confidence grew, and his skills flourished, a testament to his dedication and our collaborative efforts.

I had the privilege of teaching his sister, Eleanor, back in 2018, who achieved the remarkable feat of passing her driving test on her first attempt. This achievement served as a source of motivation for Alex, igniting his determination to match his sister’s success.

After a brief hiatus from lessons, Alex rekindled his commitment to the road. With a driving test lined up at the Currie test centre in Edinburgh, he faced the challenge head-on, eager to prove his skills. And prove them, he did. Alex’s dedication, honed skills, and determination converged on that pivotal day, resulting in a resounding success – passing his driving test on his very first try.

Alex’s achievement holds a special significance, as it coincided with his impending departure from Edinburgh to pursue higher education. Armed with his driver’s license, he’s now equipped to navigate new horizons with confidence and independence.

Congratulations, Alex!