Will – West Linton Scottish Borders
Will started driving lessons at the end of last year. He had recently finished university and was looking to move onto the next stage. While Will was searching for jobs, he decided that learning to drive would be a huge positive. Having driven on private property a few times in the past Will already had some skills that we could build on. It didn’t take long until we were heading into Edinburgh and trying to find new challenges for Will to take on. We did most of our driving lessons in Edinburgh as we decided it was going to be best to sit the driving test there. After a few months of practising and bringing everything together things were taking shape. We managed to get a driving test booked for the last week of April which was going to be exciting as everything seemed to be on track. To add to the pressure Will had accepted a job offer which started on the 1st of May and would need to be able to drive as the journey from West Linton to this workplace was going to involve three busses and getting up in the middle of the night to begin the journey. On the day of the driving test it was a very nice morning weather wise. Will did so well managing got pass his driving test with only one fault, so close to full marks! This sets Will up for starting his new job next week. Well done